Male chest.
Have you noticed extra fatty tissue of your chest, creating the appearance of "man boobs?" As many men desire a masculine body contour with sculpted chest muscles, the appearance of male breasts can cause considerable anxiety. Some develop noticeable breast tissue at the time of puberty. Others are heavy lifters, but their chest muscles just won't seem to show through the soft overlying breast.
This condition is called gynecomastia, development of excess fat and glandular tissue in male breasts. It can be caused by many factors, including puberty, weight gain, hormonal imbalance, certain medications, marijuana, and genetics. For some, it regresses with age or lifestyle changes, but for others, it becomes a lifelong struggle. Men may be self-conscious about taking their shirts off at the beach, wearing heavy, compressive shirts all-year round.
Gynecomastia surgery is your answer. Depending on the extent of the problem, liposuction, direct excision, or breast lift may be indicated. Dr. Lisa Hwang will guide you through your options, discussing the pros and cons of each. Specialized in aesthetic plastic surgery, she will help you formulate a plan that will help you achieve your goals with minimal scarring. Before you know it, you will be ready for your next pool party!

Whether you're striving for that chiseled physique or just wishing to get rid of fatty breast tissue, surgery can help you achieve a more masculine contour.

Men with large breasts may feel embarrassed and self-conscious in social situations. Restoring a more masculine appearance can dramatically improve quality of life.

Some men with gynecomastia experience breast tenderness and nipple sensitivity. Patients with more severe cases may develop skin chafing and irritation. Surgery can alleviate some of these symptoms.
Surgical options.
If the bulk of the extra tissue is soft and seems to be mainly composed of fat, then liposuction alone (via tiny incisions) may contour the breast and restore a more masculine appearance.
direct excision.
However, if the tissue is firm, especially right under the areola, there is likely glandular tissue, requiring direct excision, using an peri-areolar incision along the underside of the areola.
breast lift.
​In severe cases, especially after massive weight loss, patients have substantial extra skin and ptosis, with nipples sagging below the lower border of the breast. These cases require a full breast lift.
gynecomastia surgery.
Depending on the surgery, procedure times can range from 1 to 3 hours. Surgery is performed at a surgery center under general anesthesia. The patient can return home, accompanied by a responsible adult.
Patients are likely to expect swelling, some discomfort, and bruising. We encourage you to rest during the first week of surgery, with the exception of walking around to promote circulation and prevent clots in the legs and lungs. Compressive vests should be worn by patients who undergo liposuction. Exercise can be gradually resumed after three weeks, or when your surgeon approves.
Risks & Complications.
Risks are minimal, but may include bleeding, hematoma, infection, delayed wound healing, and prolonged swelling.