As one of the main facial features, the nose can be a focal point of attention. Structural deformities/deficiencies and a displeasing nasal shape or size can cause physical and emotional distress. Previous trauma to the nose may leave you disfigured and asymmetric with breathing problems. A prominent or disproportionate nose may leave some patients feeling self-conscious.
Rhinoplasty, aka nose surgery, can transform the nose, enhancing one's confidence and quality of life. At your consultation, Dr. Lisa Hwang will perform a complete functional and aesthetic examination of your nose. Other facial features can distort the appearance of the nose i.e. a retruded chin, dental malocclusion, facial proportions, etc, causing the nose to seem disproportionately large relative to other deficient features nearby. Specialized in aesthetic plastic surgery, Dr. Hwang understands that meticulous facial analysis is critical in determining the best surgical plan for you--she will explain the nuances to guide you through your surgical options.

Crookedness of the nose can be caused by many underlying problems. Patients often have history of trauma, with residual bony deformity or septal cartilage deviation, which may be associated with breathing problems. Misshapen noses may impact one's self-confidence. Rhinoplasty can straighten the nose to achieve a more refined appearance.

facial harmony.
Noses come in all shapes and sizes. Common complaints include large nasal humps, "bird's beak," bulbous/broad noses, and flat nasal bridges. Rhinoplasty can dramatically reshape the nose--nasal humps can be reduced, noses can be shortened, nasal tips can be refined and upturned, and noses can be augmented. Precision surgery leads to harmonious and natural results.

Anatomical deformities and past trauma can cause nasal obstruction, leading to breathing issues, congestion, and snoring. By locating the obstruction, rhinoplasty can correct the underlying problem to restore functional breathing and substantially improve one's quality of life.
Nose reshaping surgery is performed in a surgery center, either under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Depending on the surgery, the duration of the procedure ranges from 1 to 4 hours. Incisions are generally hidden in inconspicuous areas and become imperceptible upon healing.
Patients can expect some swelling and bruising in the nose and eye areas, usually resolving within 2 to 3 weeks. A nasal splint is usually kept on for 1 week. Nasal packing may be placed for a few days, after which it is removed by Dr. Hwang. For the first 7 days, minimize talking, chewing, and facial movement. Avoid strenuous exercise, but make sure to walk around. Patients should sleep with their head slightly elevated to reduce swelling. A small amount of swelling may persist for 6 months or more.
Risks & Complications.
Risks of nose surgery include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, prolonged swelling, breathing problems, and delayed wound healing.